Ceramic Gasket-Sealed Viewport, Conflat DN100

Conflat sight glass for a pressure and temperature application. PN100916

The main internal gasket on the ambient side of the window has enough elasticity to maintain the seal. Both sealing surfaces - the window and the metal groove have very fine surface finish, so any displacement is compensated by the gasket continuously trying to fill new voids at the new location. The gasket material has a filler for elasticity, it is not pure graphite which has porosity and would leak. The secondary gasket on the process side is a cushion to help isolate the window from vibration.

Design Criteria:

  • Max Design Pressure: 150 psi
  • Max Continuous Operating Temperature: 400 °C
  • Load on the Landing Surface of the Flange: 1900 lbs
  • Min Factor of Safety (FOS) of the flange: 1.5
  • Min Factor of Safety (FOS) of the Quartz Window: 2.0

Product development for a customer in solar energy generation, USA